Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Storm Damage at Eisagi

We are totally fine,  the power is out and the car is trapped by a huge tree so we have a task of a day or so to move the tree and then move the car! We have some food and plenty of water so its all going to be ok. The tree brought the power-line down with it so that could take a few days to sort out. We can hear the sound of chainsaws on the road nearby so there's probably lots of fallen tree's hopefully nothing serious. Vineta Says this happens all the time in latvia ! The chainsaws certainly came out very quickly , maybe half an hour after the storm receded its all you could hear!

We are very happy to be ok and i'm quite glad i decided to park the car in a slightly different spot today. On the plus side we have a great deal of lovely green leaves to use as mulch for the paths in the garden !!!

The calm before the storm, some photos from the garden in Eisagi Latvia

A few photos from the garden just before the storm hit ... its ok the plants did alright for the most part , just some lanky beans fell over and a few tomato's that were heavy anyway fell over too. its been an incredibly rainy summer here and our straw bale piles have helped a great deal in keeping the plants dry ish when most of the gardens around are quite waterlogged. Some plants have suffered but for the most part they all are doing quite well! now we are doing some final thick mulch to keep down the weeds around the beds and make it easier to get to the plants when its time to harvest the fruits of our labour!

A few more of Michael's Youtube videos

Spring into Summer from Michael's Youtube Videos

I decided to document this whole trip in the form of these small collaged together youtube videos with some soundtrack provided by my friends and also music that i'm enjoying at the moment while Vineta and I are making the garden. they are posted here in chronological order so you can see the progress of the project as it goes on. I hope you like them!

Settling in

Starting to settle down in Eisagi where we have started our garden, made a very DIY, simple but hopefully a sturdy base for yurt. We are trying to use us as much of materials we can find on this property to avoiding any expenditure, not just because we can't afford it but seeing abandon smallholding in Latvia