Monday, 15 May 2017

start of planting seedlings outside

It seams that it is getting warmer, started to plant some seedlings outside  and some in the greenhouse. The reason why we are still using paper cups for planting is that all our beds are mulched with hay and seams that if we just plant seeds in the bed it will get lost... literally as 'looking for a needle in the stack of hay'! Also we need to raise them a bit bigger before they go outside of the greenhouse as for example our cucumber seedlings didn't survive the night of just +1...

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Planting seedlings while It's snowing outside

This year Winter lingers and Spring is delayed, it is 10th of May but there is still and odd snowfall now and then. Plants can't go in the ground yet, they would freeze at is reaches -1 at night.
So we are making dozens of paper cups to raise seedlings. There paper cups has an emotional value for me (Vineta) as they are all my deceased grandma's collected newspaper clippings. I thought that would be a nice way to dispose of them, making them into a host for new life...


Sunday, 7 May 2017

New things added to the garden: more beds, greenhouse, fruit tree grafting.

 Turning wild boar digs into plant beds:

Building geodome for greenhouse:

Fruit tree grafting